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Hello there! The current release version of Self-Loading Cargo is "1.6, The Interactivity Update"!
Be sure to check out the changelog to see what's new and the development roadmap for information on future releases!
😊 RELEASE UPDATE - 26th August 2024, 1200z - Please ensure you are running the latest release update. See changelog for release info!
Ever wondered how to make the seatbelt sign in your x-plane aircraft work correctly with Self-Loading Cargo? Here's how!
Hello everyone!
In preparation for the imminent release of Self-Loading Cargo v1.6 (at LAST!) I have just released a small LUA script that will allow you to use the cockpit seatbelt sign switches in your favourite X-Plane addon aircraft.
To download it, please visit the GitHub repository and follow the instructions in the README file.
This allows compatibility with most default X-Plane aircraft, as well as the following payware aircraft:
The script is compatible with the current v1.55 release, so if you wish to use it straight away feel free to do so.
It also supports "Auto" mode in the 737's which means the SLC seatbelts will go off above 10,000ft automatically if your switch is in that position, coming back on during the approach.
If you study the script you will see it is fairly trivial to add more aircraft by simply adding the relevant datarefs for the switches - so if you are able and willing, I invite you to contribute to the repository by submitting a pull request once you've tested compatiblity with your favourite aircraft.
Happy flying and watch this space :)
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