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You flew an McDonnellDouglasMD-82 carrying 4 Cabin Crew and 137 Passengers
PLANNED 0145z Thursday, 05 September 2024
ACTUAL 0140z Thursday, 05 September 2024
DELAY -4 mns On Time Departure
On-Time Departure
PLANNED 0410z Thursday, 05 September 2024
EXPECTED 0406z Thursday, 05 September 2024
ACTUAL 0402z Thursday, 05 September 2024
Early Arrival (-15 minutes)
Great work you departed on-time and managed to arrive early.
-610ft/min (Good Landing)
Max Pitch Up
Max Climb
Max Pitch Dn
Max Descent
Max Roll Left
Max Roll Right
Max GForce
Min GForce
30 of 30 pts Cabin Management » Seatbelt Check (Below 10,000ft)
Ensure the seatbelt sign is turned ON at all times when the aircraft is below 10,000ft.
The seatbelt sign was on at all times while the aircraft was below 10,000ft.
-50 of 50 pts Airline SOP » Cockpit Door Status
Cockpit door must always be closed while passengers are onboard the aircraft.
The cockpit door was opened while passengers were onboard and the aircraft was airborne - this is a safety issue.
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » Roll Angle (Left)
Your aircraft should stay within roll angle limits during flight
Your bank angle (to the left) was within acceptable limits throughout the flight
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » Roll Angle (Right)
Your aircraft should stay within roll angle limits during flight
Your bank angle (to the right) was within acceptable limits throughout the flight
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » Pitch Angle (Up)
Your aircraft should stay within pitch angle limits while climbing
You pitched up within acceptable limits throughout the flight.
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » Pitch Angle (Down)
Your aircraft should stay within pitch angle limits while descending
You pitched down within acceptable limits throughout the flight.
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » Roll Velocity
Your aircraft should stay within roll velocity limits (12.6 degrees/sec)
You kept the aircraft within acceptable roll velocity limits throughout the flight.
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » G-Forces (Positive)
Your aircraft should stay within g-force limits during flight
Your passengers were not subjected to excess positive g-forces throughout the flight
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » G-Forces (Negative)
Your aircraft should stay within g-force limits during flight
Your passengers were not subjected to excess negative g-forces throughout the flight
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » Vertical Speed (Up)
Your aircraft should stay within vertical speed limits while climbing
You kept the aircraft within acceptable climb rate limits throughout the flight.
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » Vertical Speed (Down)
Your aircraft should stay within vertical speed limits while descending
You kept the aircraft within acceptable descent rate limits throughout the flight.
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » Yaw Velocity
Your aircraft should stay within yaw velocity limits (15.7 degrees/sec) while on the ground
You kept the aircraft withing acceptable yaw limits while taxiing.
9 of 10 pts Airmanship » Yaw Velocity
Your aircraft should stay within yaw velocity limits (4.2 degrees/sec) while in the air
You occasionally applied excess yaw to the aircraft during the flight resulting in discomfort for the passengers.
50 of 50 pts Airline SOP » Passenger Satisfaction Improvement
Passengers should feel more satisfied after the flight than they were when it started
Passengers were more satisfied after the flight than they were before they got onboard - nice work!
-10 of 10 pts Cabin Management » Seatbelt Check (PA)
Ensure aircraft seatbelt sign is turned on before making the Welcome announcement to the passengers.
When you made the welcome announcement to the passengers, the seatbelt sign was not turned on.
-20 of 20 pts Cabin Crew Communications » PA ('Welcome Onboard')
Make an announcement to the passengers welcoming them onboard the aircraft
You did not make an announcement to the passengers welcoming them onboard the aircraft.
10 of 10 pts Punctuality » Departure Punctuality
Your aircraft should leave at the scheduled departure time
No delays for departure
-25 of 25 pts Cabin Management » Seatbelt Check (Pushback)
Ensure your seatbelt sign is switched on before and during pushback.
Your seatbelt sign was turned off when the aircraft started pushing back.
5 of 5 pts Airline SOP » Transponder Check
Ensure your transponder is set to an appropriate value when pushing back.
Your transponder was set appropriately while pushing back.
10 of 10 pts Ground Crew Communications » Engine 1 Startup Comms
Communicate with the ground crew before you start engine 1.
You communicated effectively with the ground crew while you started engine 1.
10 of 10 pts Ground Crew Communications » Engine 2 Startup Comms
Communicate with the ground crew before you start engine 2.
You communicated effectively with the ground crew while you started engine 2.
-25 of 25 pts Cabin Management » Seatbelt Check (Taxi)
Ensure your seatbelt sign is switched on before and during taxi.
Your seatbelt sign was turned off when the aircraft taxied to the runway.
5 of 5 pts Airline SOP » Transponder Check
Ensure your transponder is set to an appropriate value when the aircraft begins to taxi.
Your transponder was set appropriately during your taxi to the runway.
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » Taxi Speed
Your aircraft should stay within ground speed limits (30 kts) while on the ground
You taxied the aircraft to the runway at appropriate speeds.
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » Movement Off Taxiway
Your aircraft should stay on taxiways and appropriate surfaces while on the ground.
You stayed on the taxiway during taxi.
50 of 50 pts Cabin Management » Crew Finished Securing Cabin
Ensure the cabin crew have enough time to secure the cabin before you tell them to be seated.
You allowed enough time for the crew to secure the cabin for takeoff.
50 of 50 pts Cabin Crew Communications » Notify Crew For Takeoff
Ensure that you notify the crew that they should take their seats for takeoff.
You told the cabin crew to take their seats for takeoff.
50 of 50 pts Cabin Management » Seatbelt Check (Takeoff)
Ensure your seatbelt sign is switched on before and during takeoff.
Your seatbelt sign was correctly turned on while the aircraft took off.
50 of 50 pts Airline SOP » Transponder Check
Ensure your transponder is set to an appropriate value when the aircraft takes off.
Your transponder was set appropriately during takeoff.
50 of 50 pts Cabin Management » Cabin Secured
Ensure the cabin crew secured the cabin before takeoff.
The cabin crew had adequate time to secure the cabin before takeoff.
50 of 50 pts Airline SOP » Landing Lights Turned On
Ensure the aircraft landing lights are turned on before takeoff.
The aircraft landing lights were turned on for takeoff.
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » Takeoff Deviation
Your aircraft should stay on runway during takeoff
You performed a safe and successful takeoff without deviating from the runway.
100 of 100 pts Cabin Management » Cabin Crew Seated
Ensure the cabin crew remained seated during takeoff.
The cabin crew were seated during takeoff.
10 of 10 pts Cabin Management » Cabin Crew Seated
Ensure the cabin crew remained seated during takeoff.
The cabin crew were seated as the aircraft took off.
10 of 10 pts Cabin Crew Communications » Departure Turbulence
Accurately Predict The Turbulence Level On Takeoff
You predicted that there would be 'Normal' levels of turbulence on departure and the actual level experienced was 'Moderate'
50 of 50 pts Cabin Crew Communications » PA ('Descending Soon')
Make sure you play a PA announcement to the passengers telling them that there are X minutes until you start descending
You made a 'top of descent' announcement to the passengers.
10 of 10 pts Cabin Crew Communications » Enroute Turbulence
Accurately Predict The Turbulence Level During The Flight
You predicted that there would be 'Normal' levels of turbulence during the flight and the actual level experienced was 'Normal'
50 of 50 pts Cabin Crew Communications » Accurate TOD Announcement
When making the 'top of descent' announcement, be accurate in terms of the time you think it will take before descent starts
Your 'top of descent' announcement was accurately timed. You were within 11 minutes of your estimate.
50 of 50 pts Cabin Crew Communications » PA ('Started Our Descent')
Make sure you announce to the passengers that you have started descending
You made a 'descent' announcement to the passengers.
50 of 50 pts Cabin Management » Seatbelt Check (PA)
Make sure you turn the seatbelt signs on before instructing the cabin crew to prepare for arrival.
The seatbelt sign was switched on before you made the 'prepare for arrival' announcement.
50 of 50 pts Cabin Crew Communications » PA ('Prepare Cabin')
Make sure you instruct the cabin crew to prepare the aircraft for arrival.
You made a 'prepare the cabin for arrival' announcement to the cabin crew.
10 of 10 pts Cabin Crew Communications » Arrival Turbulence
Accurately Predict The Turbulence Level On Arrival
You predicted that there would be 'Normal' levels of turbulence on arrival and the actual level experienced was 'Moderate'
10 of 10 pts Cabin Management » Service Provision Analysis
Ensure that all inflight services that you loaded onto the aircraft are provided in a timely manner.
All 1 of the inflight services that were loaded onto the aircraft were provided to the passengers and completed on time. Well done.
50 of 50 pts Cabin Management » Crew Finished Securing Cabin
Ensure the cabin crew have enough time to secure the cabin before you tell them to be seated.
You allowed enough time for the crew to secure the cabin for landing.
100 of 100 pts Cabin Crew Communications » PA ('Seats For Landing')
Make sure you instruct the cabin crew to take their seats for landing.
You made a 'Seats for Landing' announcement to the cabin crew
100 of 100 pts Cabin Management » Seatbelt Check (Landing)
Ensure the seatbelt sign is turned ON as the aircraft begins to land.
The seatbelt sign was on during the landing phase of flight.
50 of 50 pts Cabin Management » Cabin Secured
Ensure the cabin crew secured the cabin before landing.
The cabin crew had adequate time to secure the cabin before landing.
100 of 100 pts Airline SOP » Landing Lights On
Ensure the landing lights are turned ON as the aircraft lands.
The landing lights were switched on when you landed the aircraft.
100 of 100 pts Cabin Management » Cabin Crew Seated
Ensure the cabin crew are seated before landing.
The cabin crew were seated for landing.
100 of 100 pts Cabin Management » Seatbelt Check (Landed)
Ensure the seatbelt sign is on while you land the aircraft.
The seatbelt sign was correctly set while you landed the aircraft.
45 of 100 pts Airmanship » Perform Safe Landing
Ensure that you land the aircraft at an appropriate and comfortable rate. Aim for around --150 ft/min or approximately 1.02 g for comfort.
Your landing rating was 'Good Landing'. (-610ft/min @ 1.58g). You favoured passenger comfort (g-forces) over the landing rate (ft/min).
25 of 25 pts Punctuality » Landing Time Accuracy
Ensure that you land the aircraft in line with the expectations that you set to the passengers.
You accurately predicted the landing time to your passengers
100 of 100 pts Cabin Management » Seatbelt Check (Taxi)
Ensure the seatbelt sign is on while you taxi to the gate.
The seatbelt sign was correctly set while you taxied the aircraft to the gate.
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » Taxi Speed
Your aircraft should stay within ground speed limits (30 kts) while on the ground
You taxied the aircraft to the gate at appropriate speeds.
10 of 10 pts Airmanship » Movement Off Taxiway
Your aircraft should stay on taxiways and appropriate surfaces while on the ground.
You stayed on the taxiway during taxi to the gate.
50 of 50 pts Punctuality » Arrival Punctuality
Your aircraft should arrive at the scheduled arrival time.
You arrived on-time - well done.
50 of 50 pts Punctuality » Arrival Prediction Accuracy
Ensure that you arrive at the gate in line with the expectations that you set to the passengers.
You accurately predicted the arrival time to your passengers