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You flew an [B733] Boeing 737-300 carrying 3 Cabin Crew and 130 Passengers
PLANNED 0222z Wednesday, 10 July 2024
ACTUAL 0214z Wednesday, 10 July 2024
DELAY -7 mns On Time Departure
On-Time Departure
PLANNED 0000z Thursday, 11 July 2024
EXPECTED 2353z Wednesday, 10 July 2024
ACTUAL 0435z Wednesday, 10 July 2024
Early Arrival (-1180 minutes)
Great work you departed on-time and managed to arrive early.
@1.25G (Great Landing)
Max Pitch Up
Max Climb
Max Pitch Dn
Max Descent
Max Roll Left
Max Roll Right
Max GForce
Min GForce
50 of 50 pts Airline SOP » Passenger Satisfaction Improvement
Passengers should feel more satisfied after the flight than they were when it started
Passengers were more satisfied after the flight than they were before they got onboard - nice work!
10 of 10 pts Punctuality » Departure Punctuality
Your aircraft should leave at the scheduled departure time
No delays for departure
5 of 5 pts Airline SOP » Transponder Check
Ensure your transponder is set to an appropriate value when pushing back.
Your transponder was set appropriately while pushing back.
50 of 50 pts Cabin Management » Crew Finished Securing Cabin
Ensure the cabin crew have enough time to secure the cabin before you tell them to be seated.
You allowed enough time for the crew to secure the cabin for takeoff.
50 of 50 pts Cabin Management » Cabin Secured
Ensure the cabin crew secured the cabin before takeoff.
The cabin crew had adequate time to secure the cabin before takeoff.
10 of 10 pts Cabin Management » Cabin Crew Seated
Ensure the cabin crew remained seated during takeoff.
The cabin crew were seated as the aircraft took off.
10 of 10 pts Cabin Management » Service Provision Analysis
Ensure that all inflight services that you loaded onto the aircraft are provided in a timely manner.
All 1 of the inflight services that were loaded onto the aircraft were provided to the passengers and completed on time. Well done.
50 of 50 pts Cabin Management » Crew Finished Securing Cabin
Ensure the cabin crew have enough time to secure the cabin before you tell them to be seated.
You allowed enough time for the crew to secure the cabin for landing.
100 of 100 pts Cabin Crew Communications » PA ('Seats For Landing')
Make sure you instruct the cabin crew to take their seats for landing.
You made a 'Seats for Landing' announcement to the cabin crew
50 of 50 pts Cabin Management » Cabin Secured
Ensure the cabin crew secured the cabin before landing.
The cabin crew had adequate time to secure the cabin before landing.
25 of 25 pts Cabin Management » Toilets Locked
Ensure the toilets are secured and locked before landing.
The aircraft toilets were secured and locked for landing.
100 of 100 pts Cabin Management » Cabin Crew Seated
Ensure the cabin crew are seated before landing.
The cabin crew were seated for landing.
79 of 100 pts Airmanship » Perform Safe Landing
Ensure that you land the aircraft at an appropriate and comfortable rate. Aim for around --150 ft/min or approximately 1.02 g for comfort.
Your landing rating was 'Great Landing'. (-181ft/min @ 1.25g). You favoured the landing rate (ft/min) over passenger comfort (g-forces).
50 of 50 pts Punctuality » Arrival Punctuality
Your aircraft should arrive at the scheduled arrival time.
You arrived on-time - well done.
50 of 50 pts Punctuality » Arrival Prediction Accuracy
Ensure that you arrive at the gate in line with the expectations that you set to the passengers.
You accurately predicted the arrival time to your passengers